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Child Nutrition Network of Haldimand & Norfolk

The Child Nutrition Network of Haldimand & Norfolk (CNN) was established in January 1998. The partners that make up the network include Haldimand-Norfolk R.E.A.C.H. (sponsor agency), the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit and community members.

Our Mission
The Child Nutrition Network acts in an advisory capacity to build and sustain local student nutrition programs and school initiatives through leadership, awareness, education, skill development, supportive environments, and policies.

CNN supports forty-nine breakfast, morning meal, lunch and snack programs, and provides nourishment to over 9300 participating Haldimand and Norfolk children and youth 2 to 5 days per week during the school year.

Our Farm to School Program has been running for over 14 years and programs are able to access economical, local, farm-fresh produce from a growing number of Haldimand and Norfolk farms at two centralized hubs.

CNN is proud of the various partnerships established with both regional and local stakeholders who are invested in the health and well-being of our student population through their generous contributions.

Please see our latest Impact Report for more information.

Funding Partners


Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services


Breakfast Club of Canada

Burnbrae Farms

Dairy Farmers of Ontario

Egg Farmers of Ontario

Grocery Foundation

Ontario Produce Marketing Association


Schad Foundation


100 Women Who Care Norfolk 

100 Norfolk Men Who Give a Damn  

Aspira Cedar Crossing Retirement Living 


Cayuga Mutual Insurance 

Dunnville Aero’s 


FirstOntario Credit Union 

Hagersville Food Bank 

Imperial Oil 

Libro Credit Union 

MyFM All Hands on Deck 

PenFinancial Credit Union 

Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign

For more information about the Child Nutrition Network call:
Sharon Smyth, Community Facilitator at 519-587- 2441 or 1-800- 265-8087 ext. 286.  ssmyth@hnreach.on.ca

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