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Strongest Families


As one of our “virtual care” options, HN REACH offers services to children/youth and their caregivers through the Strongest Families Institute. 

Are the Strongest Families counselling services a good fit for your child?

If you answer “yes” to the following questions, the Strongest Families Counselling services may be right for you and your loved ones.

  • Is your child or youth experiencing mental health issues?
  • Are these mental health issues affecting their well-being and the well-being of your family?
  • Are you interested in learning skills to help your child and family?
  • Would you be comfortable speaking with a counsellor by phone?
  • Do you have access to a phone?
  • Could you find time during the week to speak with a counsellor undisturbed by others?
  • Does your child/youth meet the age criteria?(ages 3 and up to their 18th birthday)

Three counselling programs are offered for caregivers, children and youth.  All of the programs utilize “coaches” who support caregivers to learn new skills by following a series of learning modules to guide the sessions. The modules assist caregivers whose children are experiencing challenges with attention concerns, behaviour concerns or anxiety concerns. The support and coaching are customized to meet a family’s needs. The three programs being offered are:

Parenting the Active Child–Behaviour Difficulties Program (3-12 years of age):

In this program, parents learn how to deal with common childhood behaviour problems. These include temper outbursts, verbal and physical aggression, not listening, and not paying attention.

Chase Worries Away–Anxiety Program (6-11 years of age):

In this program, parents and children learn about anxiety. They learn relaxation skills to reduce anxiety. They learn how to face worry in real life. Common anxieties such as separating from loved ones, worry about performance, and specific fears are addressed.

Defeat Anxiety–Anxiety Program (12-17 years of age):

In this program, parents and youth learn about anxiety.  They learn relaxation skills to reduce anxiety.  They learn how to face worry in real life. Common anxieties such as separating from loved ones, worry about performance, and specific fears are addressed.


The Strongest Families counselling programs occur from the comfort of your own home. Once a week for 4–5 months, you are coached by a counsellor by phone. Coaching sessions may also include videos.


The counselling takes place at a time agreed upon by you and your counsellor.


Free to families in Haldimand and Norfolk

To make a referral:

A parent, caregiver or youth over 12 years of age can make the referral through Contact HN:

Phone: 1-800-265-8087 x350

After a referral is made, a Strongest Families counsellor will contact you. At this time, you will arrange dates and times for your phone and/or Internet coaching sessions.

The Agency endeavours to provide a Scent-Free environment for the safety and comfort of all. Please refrain from the use of scented products when attending any of our sites and/or programs.
© 2024 Haldimand-Norfolk REACH