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Groups & Workshops for Young People & Caregivers

H-N REACH offers both virtual and in-person group programs and workshops for children, youth and their parents or caregivers on an as needed basis. Groups help children and youth who are working through common problems to find solutions and build support with others. Parents/caregivers can choose from on-going weekly groups as well as multi-week curriculum based groups.  Please continue to check our Upcoming Events for information about groups.

Groups & Workshops for Young People

Part of the Child & Youth Mental Fitness Series

My Emotions, My Actions Expression Session

This 2 part virtual expression sessions is designed around fun and interactive activities for youth with (or without) a diagnosis of ADHD to teach 'focus' and 'emotional control.

Tuesday July 16 & Wednesday July 17

6:00 pm via the Zoom platform

FREE to youth aged 7-11 in Haldimand, Norfolk, and Neighbouring Communities

To register call 519-587-2441or 1-800-265-8087 x350

Check back to learn about our summer creative challenge starting in July!

Groups & Workshops for Parents and Caregivers

Join us for an Engaging Caregiver Workshop: Nurturing a Spirited Child! 

Spirited children are often described as intense, persistent, energetic, perceptive, and with big emotions. In this workshop, we'll delve into what it means to have a spirited child and explore strategies to support their unique needs.

Monday August 19th and Tuesday August 20th, 

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

FREE to Caregivers of children aged 4-12 in Haldimand, Norfolk, and Neighbouring Communities 

This workshop is offered virtually via the ZOOM Platform

For more information or to register call 519-587-2441 or 1-800-265-8087 x 350

Positive Discipline In Everyday Parenting (In-Person Group)

Date: Wednesdays Jan. 31 - Mar. 27

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm In person program

Location:12 Colborne Street North, Simcoe

Want to raise your child, not your voice? Our problem solving model promotes healthy child development and strong parent-child relationships for parents/caregivers with children up to the age of 6.

For more information visit www.positivedisciplineeveryday.com

To register call Barb at 519-587-2441 or 1-800-265-8087 Ext. 405

Positive Discipline In Everyday Parenting (In-Person Group)

Date: Tuesday’s Jan. 30 - Mar. 26 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

In person

Location: 110 Ramsey Drive, Dunnville, ON

Want to raise your child, not your voice? Our problem solving model promotes healthy child development and strong parent-child relationships for parents/caregivers with children up to the age of 6.

For more information visit www.positivedisciplineeveryday.com

To register call Barb at 519-587-2441 or 1-800-265-8087 Ext. 405

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Caregiver Support Group

The Haldimand-Norfolk Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Program Caregiver Group is available to all caregivers of children/youth diagnosed with FASD or suspected to have FASD residing in Haldimand or Norfolk. This group meets in person at the Townsend location monthly from September to June. The purpose of the group is to provide a safe space to share experiences, build FASD capacity together and make connections with other caregivers of children/youth living with FASD.


  • Child/youth diagnosed or suspected to have FASD; a formal diagnosis of FASD is not required
  • Child/youth up to 18 years of age, or up to 21 years of age and attending secondary school
  • Reside in Haldimand or Norfolk county



To make a referral

Call 519-587-2441 or 1-800-265-8087 and ask for “Contact” at extension 350.

The Agency endeavours to provide a Scent-Free environment for the safety and comfort of all. Please refrain from the use of scented products when attending any of our sites and/or programs.
© 2024 Haldimand-Norfolk REACH