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Family Early Intervention Program

The Family Early Intervention Program (FEIP) supports children with special needs and their families who are attending licensed early learning and care programs.  The FEIP team works with families and early learning professionals to promote inclusion and encourage children to reach their full potential.

The Resource Consultant will:

  • With input from the family, identify each child’s strengths and goals using developmental assessments
  • Provide emotional support
  • Coordinate the Family Service Plan, with the family and other service providers, which includes the family and child’s goals
  • Assist with transitional planning to the early learning and care programs and education systems
  • Assist with appointments

Support to early learning and care programs:

  • Consultation to programs by Resource Consultant
  • Coordination of specialized services
  • Training and modelling of inclusion strategies

Children served:

  • Birth to twelve years of age
  • At risk of developmental delay/or identified with a special need
  • Exhibiting social/emotional and /or behavioural challenges


To make a referral
Call 519-587-2441 or 1-800-265-8087 and ask for “Contact” at Ext 350

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