Couple Services Counselling
The Family Services Counselling Program provides professional, caring and confidential therapy to couples who want to improve their relationship. Therapists are experienced at helping couples work through issues in a timely manner, using an approach that focuses on solutions and is respectful of both parties.
For subsidized service, you must be 18 years or older and a resident of Haldimand or Norfolk County. Subsidized service fees are based on assessment of income.
Couples actively involved with the Children's Aid Society of H & N may qualify for subsidized service by speaking to their worker.
All other couples are eligible if they have the means to pay, an employee assistance program, third party or extended health care benefits.
The fee is assessed, based on income and is between $0 and $90.00 per hour.
To make a referral
Call our intake at 519-587- 2441 or 1-800- 265-8087 Ext 239