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Adult Justice Services

An educational counselling program for individuals who have been charged with domestic violence/abuse. P.A.R. provides: 

  • A series of 12 weekly, two-hour group sessions.
  • Support and outreach to the victims and present partners of P.A.R. participants.

Am I eligible for this program? P.A.R. Program participants are mandated by the court to attend the program as a condition of probation or other court order. Is there a cost for this program? The cost of this program is based upon income. How do I access or learn more about this program? If you have been charged you will be referred to the program by your probation officer once charges are complete, or by the crown attorney. Contact 519.587.2441 or 1.800.265.8087 ext. 344 Partner Outreach Can expect:

  • A minimum of 4 contacts with the Partner Outreach Worker during the 12-week program, if desired
  • Help with safety planning
  • Information about how the program works
  • A phone call if group facilitators have safety concerns
  • Information about community services

Am I eligible for this program? All current and former partners of P.A.R. participants are eligible. However, we are not always able to obtain contact information. If you do not receive a call from the Partner Outreach Worker, please call: 519.587.2441 or 1.800.265.8087 ext. 239 Is there a cost for this program? There is no cost for Partner Outreach.

D.A.P. provides: An opportunity to quickly resolve lesser offences through sanctions such as volunteer work, restitution, charitable donation or participation in community programs. Am I eligible for this program? D.A.P. participants must be over the age of 18, charged with a minor offence and screened by the crown attorney. Participants must be willing to accept responsibility and make amends for actions that led to the charge. Is there a cost for this program? There is no fee for this program. Participants, however, may be expected to pay restitution or make a charitable donation in some circumstances. How do I access or learn more about this program? The courts refer eligible persons directly to the Direct Accountability Program. A Community Justice Worker is present at remand court to meet with those screened by the crown attorney. Stop Shop Theft A sanction available through D.A.P. for those charged with theft is an educational program. This runs once per month for a three-hour session. It helps individuals to find their own solutions to thoughts and actions that led to the charges. Contact 519.587.2441 or 1.800.265.8087 ext. 344

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